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Agenda, May 28, 2008
Design Review Board
Meeting Agenda

Wednesday, May 28, 2008 – 6:00 pm
120 Washington Street, Third Floor Conference Room

Roll Call

Michael Blier
David Jaquith
Ernest DeMaio
Glenn Kennedy
Paul Durand

Urban Renewal Area Projects under Review
1.      12 and 14 Derby Square (American Marine Model Gallery): Discussion of proposed façade alteration to reopen entrance

2.      231 Washington Street (The Art Corner): Discussion of proposed window signage

3.      Smokers’ Waste Receptacles:  Discussion of proposed smokers’ waste receptacles downtown

4.      15 Peabody Street Park: Discussion of proposed Final Design plans

5.      50 St. Peter Street (Old Salem Jail): Discussion of proposed Final Design plans

6.      118 Washington Street (Sacred Gear): Discussion of proposed planter


1.      New DRB Member: Information item


Approval of the minutes from the April 23, 2008 meeting.
